20 December 2007
I am going to be a Grandma. Sometime next summer. Lee and Kristie were planning on getting married either this summer or next fall but now plan a winter wedding. Not sure when or where or what type, but, will keep all informed. Real shocker but such is life.
11 December 2007
Merry Merry Christmas
To all my friends and family. May you have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Good Health for the coming year. What with having to go to the library to get on line I am a bit spotty with updates and I can't upload any photos. The home computer is working in short spurts. It needs a new fan. All is well in the land of the sun. Ha Ha. We have had clouds and cold weather for the last 5 days. No rain but cold. 45 this morning and only 60 yesterday. Car is running good and Dad sounds well. He is coming up for Christmas day. Will try and call all at that time. Love and kisses, hugs too.
27 November 2007
14 November 2007
Great Weather!
The weather is like spring time in southern CA. I can't get over that I am wearing shorts and tank tops in Nov. Busy getting ready for a Craft Sale. Have to do it at the house as everywhere else wants resale and city licenses and liability insurance. Kenzie is growing and trying to crawl, likes her walker and gets around pretty good. Jr and Kristy et al are going to CA for thanksgiving and I am going to Dads'. Dad got a new, to him, TransVan. That is a small RV. He plans on doing some traveling around AZ. Time to play grandma and chase Kenzie.
31 October 2007
New Blog
I am going to start a new blog dealing with my Crazy Quilting and Beads. Haven't got the name yet but will post it when I get it set-up. Kris and JR are moving to Winslow,AZ. He is getting a job with the AZ Corrections. I am not sure if I am going with them or not. This has just gotten started and some of the plans are still in the air. JR has 9 wks of Post (school) in Phoenix and then he will start work. This could happen by the first of the year or not until later. He knows for sure that he will be placed in Winslow. Had to fix a flat on my car, ran over a nail. Discount tire fixed it for $0. The baby is starting to crawl and eating solid food. David made the honor roll at school. We had a great halloween party last saturday. I dressed up as a good witch. Kristy took pics and I will post them soon.
21 October 2007
Life goes Round!

Went to CA for a week! Stayed almost 2 weeks. New car battery decided to short out and strand Dad and I for an extra 5 days. Finally got home, and it has been hectic. Kris decided not to work for Kmart and sell Tupperware instead. I feel kind of like a fifth wheel on a car. We shall see what happens now. Loren is much better since the removal for the excess scar tissue on his knee and is healing nicely. Lee is falling in love and talking about marriage. I thought I would never see that day! Her name is Kristy. Too many of those and sometimes I get confused as too who he is talking about. Maybe I'll go back to school or maybe I'll find a part-time, easy office job. I am feeling better but still have days where I have trouble walking. Took a nasty tumble the other night and am bruised all over. Didn't make church this morning. I was not stable enough to drive. Wish I knew why. Happens every so often. Doctor doesn't have an explination. Just tells me to lose weight. Well, I am doing that almost 15 pounds so far. Not really trying just eating less, and more often. 4-5 times a day instead of 3. Not a lot of fat, and trying to eat less bread, but that is really hard! I do love my bread!
01 October 2007
Moved, finally!
Well, I finally got moved to a friends house. I am going to watch their 5month old so she can go back to work. It is in a bigger city, flush toilets and everything. I also just bought a car so that I am no longer dependent on other people to get around. Will go to California to see the boys and get a few things next week.
09 September 2007
Sad Sad Day
08 September 2007
Lazy Saturday

Today has been really slow. Not too hot though. I have finally gotten the things onto Ebay that I have been trying to do for about 2 months. Loren is home safe and sound. Haven't seen the cats we are feeding but Dad has. Getting some beading done. Going to start a loom piece here maybe tomorrow. Will read during Church tomorrow morning. Great pictures from the lightning storm in California. This one hit the top of Morro Rock. Totally Awesome!
05 September 2007
Well, I was home about a week and went to Lake Havasu to see my 'adopted' kids and grandkids. Had a great week but happy to be home. Hot and Muggy again as the monsoons are back.
Sold my first piece on Ebay! Yea! Very tired, need some sleep.
Sold my first piece on Ebay! Yea! Very tired, need some sleep.
21 August 2007
All Done!
Well, when I got home, it took all of 2 hrs to get the things I needed done. I can't understand why the boys wasted so much time. I am now back in Arizona. The drive to return the cadets home took 7 hrs. It took 5 1/2 hrs on the trip up. The traffic was the PITS! and we got on the wrong freeway in LA and that took about 1/2 hr to correct. I am happy to be home and I have gotten enough sleep so I am feeling a lot better. THANK YOU LORD FOR A SAFE TRIP!
09 August 2007
06 August 2007

05 August 2007
03 August 2007
Crazy Day!
The helicopter landed in our front yard when my aunt fell and broke her knee. I'm used to this at home as I am associated with an organization that runs the local Army Nat Guard Helo pad. But, not in my own front yard. They eventually took her to Las Vegas as everything closer was full. Such is life in the Deserts of Arizona.
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