30 December 2009

Christmas Received

Received this beautiful box made by my Aunt. She painted the top several years ago. She has a friend that reduced it and laminated it to the top. She then put the box together. This is the second picture that she has given me. She has sold a couple recently and is very excited about he prospect of selling more. She also included a check which I promptly spent on stash. I got 3 pieces of 28ct linen, 4 packs of 28 needles by DMC.

I also received a book that I wanted from Amazon. My sister sent it.

I am now busy trying to finish Cayden's birth sampler. Needs to be done before the 14th of Jan. Wish me luck. I have neglected it and it is only 1/2 done.

1 comment:

Irene said...

WOW Beautiful painting by your Aunt.

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