31 May 2013

Our love hate relationship with our cars.

I love being mobile but, not when the car decides to quit. I think I may have lost a lifter and now have a nasty rattle. Car is parked until........ not sure how I will get it fixed. Only have 4 1/2 payments until it is paid off!! To say my nerves are a mess is to put it mildly and added to my stomach problems of late not a good combination. I have at least made a start on my June Needlework Masters SAL.  Should be able to post some pics soon.

28 May 2013

Just a Note!

I am sorry that I haven't post since Mother's Day, but, I have been sick. I can't spend to much time sitting at the computer. My stomach and belly have been on the fritz. Even now I am feeling somewhat better but not the best. Still can't spend very long sitting. Lots of laying down in the past couple of weeks and still to come in the near future. Thank you for hanging in and I hope to have something to show for my stitching in the near future.

12 May 2013

Mother's Day

Well I was going to post a couple of pieces that I stitched for my friends for Mother's Day but Blogger is not behaving. It wants to turn them on their sides. Sooo, I will forgo the post today. Maybe tomorrow it will let me post right side up.  

Here are some really great women that were in my life for too short of a time. Gone but not forgotten.

Grandma LaRene Peterson Nichols

Grandma Mary Margaret Ross Roland

Mother Kay Nichols Roland

06 May 2013

Needlework Masters page for May and more

May page for Needlework Masters Monthly SAL
Upper Left Just Nan-Beehive Violets
28ct natural Linen-DMC threads and Krenik with beads
Lower Right is Blackwork on 28ct Natural Linen

These are both designs by Paulette Stewart of Plum Street Samplers
done on 18ct Fiddler cloth with DMC threads


St Patricks Day

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